18 // Regulations on minor ablutions

Rule 323 – If, after performing the minor ablution, a person has a doubt as to whether it has been violated or not, then he should assume that the minor ablution has not been violated. And if he has a doubt as to whether he performed minor ablution or not, then it is considered that he did not perform it.

Ruling 324 – If a person is convinced that he has performed minor ablution, but is also convinced that he has done one of the acts that violate it (such as urinating), but does not know which of the two he did earlier, then in this case he should perform a small ablution.

Ruling 325 – If a person has many doubts about minor ablution (for example, in the actions of minor ablution, in the purity of the water, in the absence of obstacles for the water to penetrate the skin), then he should not pay attention to his doubts.

Ruling 326 – If, after finishing the prayer, a person has a doubt as to whether or not he has performed the minor ablution, then the prayer he performed will be valid, but he must perform the minor ablution for the subsequent prayers.

Ruling 327 – If during the prayer a person has a doubt as to whether he has performed ablution or not, then he should complete the prayer, and then, after performing ablution, perform it again.

Proposition 328 – Some sick people cannot control their urine, which comes out drop by drop, or they pass stool involuntarily. If such people will know that after the time of prayer and before its end, they will stop involuntary discharge of urine (faeces) for some time, during which they will be able to perform a small ablution and perform the prayer, then they should perform the prayer during this period of time. In such cases, they should be content with only performing the obligatory parts of the prayer, that is, if time does not permit, they do not need to say the Adhan, Iqamah and Qunut.

Rule 329 – Sometimes in sick people, the involuntary discharge of urine (faeces) does not stop even for a short period of time, during which a small ablution and prayer can be performed. If such people pass urine (faeces) only a few times during the prayer, then they can perform a small ablution after each involuntary discharge of urine (faeces). In this case, according to the mandatory measure, they need to put a vessel with water next to them, and after each discharge of urine (faeces), they need to perform a small ablution and continue performing the prayer. But if urine (faeces) is secreted without stopping, and the constant performance of small ablutions will present difficulties, then it is enough to do only one small ablution.

Ruling 330 – If urine and faeces are emitted all the time without stopping, and it is difficult for a person to perform a small ablution after each passing of urine (faeces), then, as stated earlier, he is allowed to perform the prayer with one small ablution. Moreover, such a person is allowed to perform two prayers at once, midday and afternoon, evening and night, with one small ablution. Although, according to the desired caution, it is better to perform a small ablution for each of the prayers.

Rule 331 – If the sick people mentioned in the previous paragraphs voluntarily go to the toilet, then they must perform a small ablution afterwards.

Regulation 332 – Sick persons who cannot control the passage of intestinal gases must act according to the provisions relating to persons with involuntary discharge of urine and faeces.

Ruling 333 – Sick people with involuntary discharge of urine or feces that do not stop should begin the prayer immediately after performing minor ablution. It is not necessary for such people to perform repeated small ablutions to perform the Ikhtiyat prayer, the forgotten testimony (tashakhhud) and the forgotten prostration. Provided that there will not be a long period of time between the prayer and these actions.

Ruling 334 – Sick people with involuntary discharge of urine or faeces must protect other parts of their body from contact with urine or faeces before performing the prayer. For example, this can be done using a plastic bag. And, according to caution, before each prayer, they need to wash with water the place where urine or faeces come out.

Rule 335 – If people who have the aforementioned diseases can easily be cured, then they must be treated. If they are not treated, it will turn into difficulties for them.

Ruling 336 – If a person has had an illness that consists in the involuntary discharge of urine or feces, and then recovers from it, it is not necessary for him to repeat the prayers he performed during the illness. However, according to the obligatory measure, if he is cured of his illness before the end of the prayer time, then he must repeat the prayer, the time of which has not yet passed.

Actions that require a small ablution

Rule 337 – In order to perform six acts, a person is obliged to have a small ritual ablution (wudu):

1 – To perform the obligatory prayers (except the prayer for the deceased).

2 – To perform the forgotten prostration and attestation (tashakhud).

3 – To perform tawaf (compulsory circumambulation of the Kaaba), even for zd

the existence of the tawaf of the desired Hajj and Umrah. It must be remembered that Tawaf is an obligatory part of Hajj and ‘Umrah.

4 – If a person makes a vow or an oath to perform a small ablution.

5 – If a person makes a vow to touch any part of the body to the text of the Qur’an (if this action is encouraging from the point of view of Islam, for example, kissing the Qur’an).

6 – To wash the defiled Quran with water or remove it from the defiled place (in case he is forced to touch the Quranic text with his hand or other part of the body).

Ruling 338 – A person who does not have a minor ritual ablution is prohibited from touching any part of his body to the text of the Qur’an. However, it is allowed to refer to translations of the Qur’an in other languages.

Rule 339 – It is not necessary to prevent a madman and a child from touching the text of the Qur’an, who do not have a minor ritual ablution. But if they commit an act that would be considered disrespectful to the Qur’an, then they must be restrained from that act.

Rule 340 – It is forbidden for a person who does not perform ablution to touch the name of Almighty Allah, in whatever language it is written (according to the obligatory measure). It is also forbidden to touch the blessed names of the Prophet of Islam (Dbar), the 12 sinless imams (DBM ) and Fatima Zahra (DBM), if it will be considered an insult or a manifestation of disrespect towards them.

Rule 341 – It is desirable that a person be constantly in a state of minor ritual ablution, regardless of the time of prayer. And after the time of prayer has come, he can perform the prayer with this small ablution.

Ruling 342 – If a person, convinced that the time of prayer has arrived, makes a small ablution, and then realizes that the time of prayer has not yet arrived, then the small ablution he performed will be valid.

Ruling 343 – It is preferable to perform minor ablution for the following actions: for reading the Qur’an; to pray for the deceased; for reading prayers-requests (dua). It is desirable that a person who has a small ablution renew it before performing the prayer, that is, perform a small ablution again. If a person performs a small ablution to perform one of the desired actions, then with this same small ablution he can perform all obligatory actions.

Actions that break the small ablution

Ruling 344 – Eight actions violate (nullify) minor ritual ablution (wudu):

First: Urinary output.

Second: Passage of feces.

Three: Output of intestinal gases.

Fourth: Deep sleep, during which a person does not see or hear anything. But if the eyes do not see, and the ears hear, then the small ablution will not be violated.

Fifth: Acts contributing to the loss of reason, such as loss of consciousness, intoxication, insanity (according to the mandatory measure).

Sixth: Istihadah (female vaginal discharge).

Seventh: Actions entailing the performance of a great ritual ablution (ghusli).

Eighth: Touching the dead.

Little ablution in the presence of wounds

Rule 345 – Sometimes a wound (furuncle or fracture) appears on one of the parts of the body that must be washed or wiped during minor ablutions. If the surface of the wound is open, and there is no blood on it, and water does not harm it, then it is necessary to do a small wash in the usual way.

Rule 346 – If a wound (boil or fracture) is present on the face or hands and its surface is open, but washing the wound with water would be harmful to it, then it is sufficient to wash the area around the wound. And if wiping with a wet hand does not bring any harm to the wound, then it is necessary to wipe it with a wet hand. If wiping the wound will be harmful to it, then it is advisable to put a clean cloth on the wound and run a wet hand over it.

Rule 347 – If a wound (boil or fracture) is present on the head or feet, and a person cannot wipe them in the usual way, then it is necessary to put a clean cloth on them, and with the water left on the hands after washing the face and hands, perform wiping on matter According to the mandatory measure, after that you need to make “tayammum”. In the case of impossibility of applying the material, it is necessary to perform a small ablution without wiping the head and feet, and then, according to the obligatory measure, it is necessary to perform “tayammum”.

Rule 348 – If a bandage (plaster, ointment, etc.) is applied to a wound (boil or fracture), and if it is possible to remove it without any complications, and water will not harm the wound, then it is necessary to remove the bandage and do a little ablution. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the surroundings of the wound or fracture, and, according to the desired precaution, wipe the bandage (plaster, ointment) with a wet hand. And if the bandage (plaster, ointment) is defiled, or it is impossible to wipe it with a wet hand, then it is necessary to put a clean material on it and run over it with a wet hand.

Rule 349 – If a bandage (plaster, ointment) is applied to the entire face or completely to one of the hands, then, according to the obligatory measure, it is necessary to perform a small ablution in the manner described above, and after that additionally perform “tayammum”. It is also necessary to do the same if a bandage (plaster, ointment) will be applied to all parts of the body that are washed and wiped when performing ma