14 // Lesson Fourteen


The fifth principle of religion is the afterlife (MAAD-trans.) – monotheism – justice – prophecy – imamate – afterlife).

Maadi or the afterlife means the resumption of life in order to receive a reward or retribution for what was done in the worldly life. This principle, that is, belief in the Day of Retribution, is believed by the human race. The consequences of believing in him can be clearly seen among peoples with a history spanning thousands of years.

Among the world’s famous religions, the question of eternal life is considered one of the most fundamental principles, and no divine religion can exist as such, if at the head of its principles is not the belief in the Resurrection Day.

The history of the existence of this belief among the peoples of the world can be evidence of its divine source. Because, it is very doubtful that such a faith with such an ancient and long historical past and such a large sphere of coverage could be born without relying on the spiritual view of a person. It is possible that every person at special moments can feel that his life does not end with death and that death is not the last link in the process of his improvement and he was not created for a short-term worldly life and the transfer of huge wanderings and misfortunes. On the contrary, this dark night heralds a bright morning and death is a window into his eternal life. Thus, it should be stated that belief in the afterlife is a matter of spiritual faith and absolutely does not require arguments. At the same time, in order to give more explanations on this matter, we will present two arguments to prove the principle of the afterlife and the inevitability of the Day of Resurrection.

The connection of justice and divine wisdom with the afterlife

The world in which you and I live is based on fairness and justice, and the creator of this world is a just judge, who commands his slaves to live in this world according to justice and to avoid oppression and violence. Therefore, in order to direct and guide people, in order to show people good and evil, the Lord sent blameless prophets.

In relation to divine laws and the issue of prophetic orientation, people can be divided into two groups:

1 A group of persons who are undeniably humble and do not deviate from the direct religious path and in the full sense of the word are cleansed of any sins and unworthy actions or at least wish to cleanse themselves of sins and vices.

2 A group of people completely mired in vices, misdeeds and crimes, whose actions are such that it seems that no program has been provided for them by the Lord and His Messenger and no direct divine path has been shown to them. They have no other goal in life, except to make money, to satisfy their animal whims, to instill oppression and violence among people, and to achieve their goal, they are not silenced by any crimes.

If we turn to history, we will note that such and such a ruler, whose name in history is always accompanied by fear and excitement, declares: “I get pleasure from throwing God’s servants into the fire, I get pleasure from screams and groans, because the screams and moans of defenseless people burning in the fire and suffering under torture are the best music.

This is one type of person. In contrast to such people, there are those who say: “I swear by Allah that if I were given all the power on earth, I would never dare to offend even ants.”

Also, we ourselves know people who have no purpose except to commit vileness and crimes, and we also know people who deprive themselves of peace for the sake of the peace of other Muslims.

Can divine justice and justice allow these two groups of people to be the same?

Is the Lord all-merciful and just, knows about all the deeds of all his servants, approaches all people with the same measure?

Common sense tells us that these two groups are different from each other and each of them should receive in measure for their actions.

The one who believed in God and performed good deeds must receive good, and the one who did not believe in God and committed crimes and vile acts must fully answer for his actions, must bear the full punishment.

So. the wisdom and justice of the Lord Almighty require that a clear line be established between a believer and a virtuous person, an ungodly person and one who commits crimes. There is no doubt that this differentiation in the world is not entirely clear, because we see with our own eyes that many unbelievers and evil people in this world live very well and in full security. In contrast to them, there are such virtuous and believing people who devote their lives to serving people and improving the welfare of the people, although they themselves live in difficult conditions of poverty, oppression and torment and ultimately leave this world in the same state.

Thus, God’s justice and justice require the existence of another world, where virtues could receive rewards for the good they have done, and villains – retribution for the evil they have done.

And the named world is Rebirth or the afterlife, which in all divine religions, in particular, in Islam, is the basis and religious principle.