“Ayyami-Fatimiyya” in Islam

Congratulations, O Fatima – the mistress of the women of the two worlds! We congratulate your gentle soul, because you were a memory of the Messenger of God and flesh from his flesh.

We congratulate you, O great woman, who explained the philosophy and essence of the creation of a woman with her behavior and ideas. Today, we send greetings to you who occupy a high and heavenly position, and we ask the Creator to touch the hearts of those who sincerely love the members of the Prophet’s family (c) with the rays of your unfading light every day.

Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) is a person who reached great heights on the way to perfection and left a priceless moral legacy. Translated from the Arabic language, “Ayyami-Fatimiyya” means “the days of Fatima”. The exact date of the Shahada of Her Eminence Fatima Zahra (SA) is not known. According to various traditions, she passed away 75 or 95 days after the death of her father – the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Therefore, the anniversary of the death of Her Eminence Fatima (SA) is celebrated on the 13th of Jamadiul-Awwal and the 3rd of Jamadiul-Akhir. This period of 20 days is called “Ayyami-Fatimiyyah”.
Days have passed since the death of the Messenger of Islam, but the deep grief of the loss of her dear father deprived Fatima (peace be upon her) of peace, and the events after the death of the Prophet troubled her soul. Grieving days passed and now Fatima (peace be upon her), being seriously ill, was experiencing the last moments of her life.

Only one thing comforted Fatima – the Prophet’s promise. Before he died, he told her: “My daughter, after me you will be the first to join me.” Ali (peace be upon him) and his four children sat in the heads of Fatima. Those were difficult moments of parting.
In the house of Ali and Fatima, unusual silence and sorrow reigned. It seemed that Ali still had a lot of unspeakable things left for Fatima. He remembered the wonderful days of being with her. Fatimah (peace be upon her) opened her eyes for a moment, looked at her husband and children and broke the silence with her penetrating voice: “Dear Ali, are you satisfied with me?” Ali (a) replied: “And you, are you satisfied with me?” ”

So they looked into each other’s eyes, full of tears … Did Fatimah (sa) break the silence: “I don’t have much time left to live. It’s time to say goodbye. Listen to me, you will never hear my voice again. I will: after my death, do a ritual washing my body, say a prayer and bury it at night. Then sit at my headboard opposite me, read the Koran and pray. I entrust you to the Most High and welcome my children until the Day of Judgment.”

Tears came to Ali’s throat and choked him. He was overcome by the loss of a great woman who decorated her life with piety, knowledge, modesty and patience. He divorced his devoted wife, every time he looked at her face he forgot about worldly sorrows. From now on, Ali will carry a pain in his soul that will not leave him for the rest of his life, because he will no longer have a wife and friend like Fatima by his side.

The advantage of Her Grace Fatima (peace be upon her) is not only that she is the daughter of the Prophet of Islam. What makes her worthy of respect and worship is her high mental and moral qualities. The distinguishing features of Fatima’s character consistently evoked the praise of the Messenger of God.
Fatima was the dearest person to the Prophet’s heart. To acquaint Muslims with the high merits of Fatima, he said: “Fatima is a part of my soul. She is an angel in human form. Whenever my heart begins to yearn for paradise, I inhale the fragrance of Fatima.”

Once the Prophet turned to his daughter and said the following words: “About Zahra, my daughter, the Most High has chosen you, adorned you with knowledge of God, perfection and superiority over all the women of the world.”

The childhood of Fatima (peace be upon her) coincided with the difficult years of the Prophet’s mission. The height of these difficulties occurred during the three-year siege of the Sheeb Gorge. During those years of exile and economic pressure, she was destined to lose her mother, Khadija. The death of her mother doubled Fatima’s responsibility to her father. She saw how he strives and sacrifices himself for the sake of destroying oppression and awakening people. The sufferings and torments of her father were dear to Fatima, and despite her young age, she was a consolation for the Messenger of God. In Medina, during the years of her life together with Ali, Fatima shone in a different way. She was one for her husband and always rushed to his aid. In those difficult years, when the ungodly waged successive wars against Muslims, Fatima, in the absence of her husband in the house, devoted her time to doing household chores and raising children, who proved themselves in history as outstanding personalities. She did everything to be a support for her father and husband Ali in the name of strengthening the young Islamic order in Medina.

Fatima (peace be upon her) is the personification of a perfect personality. A person who is distinguished by a strong mind and a deep understanding of the world around him. Fatima treated society with caring criticism. Because after the death of the Prophet, when society was engulfed in discord and disagreement and threatened with decline, Fatima with her characteristic optimism, studied the situation and identified its weaknesses and strengths.
She was concerned about the future of the Islamic Ummah and informed people about the factors leading to deviations. Her Eminence Fatima (peace be upon her) in her historic sermon after the death of the Prophet)

calls religious faith and obedience to divine laws the way to save humanity.
In this sermon, Fatima, with her inherent piety and asceticism, expresses her boundless love for God. Her Eminence Zahra (peace be upon her) considers the Holy Qur’an to be a light, guiding the Ummah to the truth and says: “The Qur’an is a perfect guidance sent by the Most High for you. The Koran is a divine promise.”
From Fatima’s point of view, the Holy Qur’an is an agreement between God and people. Happiness awaits people who follow his verse in this world and the hereafter. Otherwise, misfortune will befall them. Her Eminence Fatima considers even listening to Koranic verses as salvation for a person. Because the deep and meaningful meaning of the Koranic verses prompts a person to think, which in turn directs him to the path of moral perfection. Therefore, Fatima says: “Listening to the Koran brings a person to the shore of salvation.”

Her Eminence Fatima (peace be upon her), taking into account the fullness of her merits, revealed the truth that the attainment of the heights of perfection is not limited to individual men or women. This divine grace is extended to all people so that they can manifest their abilities. Fatima played a significant role in raising the level of cultural awareness of people and society.
She, with her characteristic religious consciousness, shed light in society like a torch, demonstrating the high elevation of women in the arenas of moral, scientific and spiritual perfection.

Once a woman came to Fatima (peace be upon her) and asked her 10 questions. Her Grace carefully answered them. The woman, confused by so many questions, said: “O Prophet’s daughter, I will not bother you any more, you are very tired.”
“Don’t be shy,” answered Fatima, “ask when there are more questions.” It does not tire me, because the Lord will reward me for it in a worthy way.”

Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) says: “Once on a Thursday evening, I saw my mother Fatima (peace be upon her) praying in the mihrab, making prostrations and prostrations. Until the very morning, she prayed for the righteous, without remembering a word about herself. “Why don’t you pray for yourself”? – I asked her. She replied, “Praying for others is more important, son.”

The House of Fatima served as a refuge for the poor and destitute of the city of Medina. Having lost hope for the support of others, they came to her for help. Jaber ibn Abdullah Ansari says:
“The evening prayer was performed together with God’s messenger. Before he left the mihrab, an unfamiliar old man in old and tattered clothes approached him. The Prophet kindly asked him about his well-being. The old man uttered the following: “O Messenger of God, I have neither food nor clothes. Feed and clothe me.” I have nothing with me, but I will send you to a person whom the Messenger and the Most High love. Go to Fatima.” With these words, the messenger turned to Bilalov and said: “Take him to Fatima’s house.” Bilal, obeying God’s messenger, led the old man to the prophet’s daughter. After learning about the old man’s need, Fatima gave him her necklace and said: “Take this necklace and sell it. May God give you something better than this.” With the money from the sold necklace, the old man eliminated his needs and prayed to the Almighty for Fatima.

Her Eminence Fatima (peace be upon her) felt incredible pleasure from the divine service. In this regard, she says: “The satisfaction that serving God brings me keeps me from making any request. I have no other desire than to stare steadfastly at the divine beauty.”

We end the article with the words of this great woman: “In this life I am pleased with three things: spending in the way of Allah, looking at the Messenger of God and reading the Holy Qur’an.” Peace and blessings of Allah to Saint Fatima!