The self-sacrifice of Imam Ali bin Abu Talib in the cause of Islam in the days when that religion was threatened from all sides was truly limitless
On the night when the infidels were about to attack the house of the Prophet of God and kill him, his eminence told Ali about it and explained that the Lord told him to leave Medina, and Ali – to lie down in the bed of his holiness. Ali happily agreed.
Ali asked:
– O messenger of God! If I lie in your bed, you can
avoid fatal involvement?
– Yes, – answered the Prophet.
Falling prostrate, Ali offered praise to Allah and said:
– Yes, I will be Your sacrifice, I will do everything You say and ask
good luck from the Lord Almighty.
In all battles, Ali was always by the side of the Prophet and took upon himself all the dangers that threatened his sanctity. He is in wisdom and knowledge was similar to his luminosity of the Great Prophet, sometimes he seemed to be his reflection. The great Prophet said: “I am a city of knowledge, and Ali is the gate of this city. Whoever wants to enter this city, let him enter through the gate,” and also: “Ali is always with Allah, and Allah is always with Ali and it is difficult to tell them apart. What Ali will say is the truth and what will point the way to the truth.”
Although the power and succession after the death of the Great Prophet was the undoubted right of Imam Ali bin Abu Talib, this right he was forcibly deprived. However, for the sake of preserving the cause of Islam during the twenty-five years when they were treacherous his rights were violated, Ali did not allow himself to cause a split in the ranks of Muslims and thereby destroy the main principles of religion to the enemies Islam On the contrary, all this time he supported Islam and Muslims with all his might, and at the right moments he did not refuse to guide believers on the path of truth and unity. In the 35th year of the lunar Hijra, Muslims took an oath of allegiance to him as a caliph and escorting Muslims The reign of Ali bin Abu Talib lasted for five years. In the month of Ramazan in the 40th year of the Muslim Hijra, he was martyred in the Kufi mosque, may Allah protect him. His sacred mausoleum is located in the city of An-Najafi in Iraq.
Here is an excerpt from the will of the emir of the faithful, Ali, to his son, Imam Hasan: “Pray early in the morning and pay zakat on time. In any in what state of mind, in joy and anger, observe justice and be balanced. Love the poor and talk to them.
Son, serve in the way of the Lord and do not forget the commandments, refrain from evil. Be a brother for the sake of your brothers in faith
of Allah Under any circumstances, do not forget about God, be kind and gentle with children, respect the elderly, do not start eating before
than give part of the food as alms in the way of the Lord.” After the martyrdom for the faith of the daughter of the Emir of the Orthodox
Ammara, Sude, came to Muawiyah to complain about the despotic ruler he had appointed. Muawiya did not become
listen to her complaints and said:
– I will send you to this ruler so that he will do everything he wants
Sude lowered her head and read a poem with the following content:
– Praise the Lord to the one with whom justice was also buried.
For someone who was in union with God and had a strong connection with faith and
the truth
Muawiya asked:
– Surely you mean Ali?
– Yes, Ali.
And then she told one story about His Eminence the Emir of the Orthodox Ali. During his reign, one of the officials abused the people mercilessly, and they complained about him to Ali. After hearing their complaint, he wept and said: “O Lord, you yourself are a witness that I never ordered them to oppress the people”, and on the same day he removed the cruel official from his post.