8 // Lesson eight

God is just

As we said above, the Creator of the worlds must possess all the qualities of perfection and be devoid of any flaws and vices.

One of the aspects of God’s perfection is justice, because evil and violence is committed by someone who is either not aware of the baseness of this matter or is in need himself and commits evil deeds to eliminate his needs.

For example, someone who forcibly takes public property or is not aware of the insignificance of this matter and wants to eliminate his needs in this way, or considers a lack of wealth to be a deficiency and eliminates it by all means.

But for the Lord God, who needs absolutely nothing and is the source of all perfection and with his infinite knowledge perfectly distinguishes good from bad, it makes no sense to do evil and violence.

In some prayers, we read: “O Lord! He who is weak and feeble needs a crime and wants to compensate for his weakness with the help of evil deeds, but your holy throne is free from such defects!”

Reminder: The Shia consider justice as their second principle of religion, whereas the Sunni group does not consider justice a necessary quality for God. That is, they claim that if the Lord God sends his humble servant to hellfire, then it will not be injustice.

Opinions on the issue of “will and fate” were also expressed. the necessary necessity of which is to regard the Lord God as a villain. That is why the Shias and some Sunnis prove with irrefutable evidence the quality of justice for God and declare that there is no doubt that evil and violence are very low and abominable qualities and, if they emanate even from God, will nevertheless be considered worthless, while we know that God can never do anything shameful.

Therefore, justice is considered the second principle in the Shia religion, in order to distinguish them from the named group of Sunnis. Imam Sadyk (DBM) said on this occasion: – God Almighty does not punish the innocent for the sins of the guilty, nor does He punish children for the sins and vices of their parents to do to anyone. The Lord Almighty can forgive sins and he is above evil.