1 // Lesson one

Imitation in the matter of the basic principles of religion is unacceptable

The foundations of the religion are a set of beliefs (monotheism. Justice, prophethood, the imamate and the afterlife) that form the basis of the religion of Islam. Given the fact that at all times there have been and are religious beliefs, in other words, each group of people calls for a number of special beliefs, and therefore it is very necessary for everyone to know the basics of their beliefs precisely and with reason in order to defend their ideas in the face of the onslaught of ominous propaganda and not to be misled. When it is said that everyone should know the basics and principles of his religion based on arguments and proofs, it does not mean that he should study religious and philosophical books for many years, it is enough that he should know the basics of his beliefs in the simplest and at the same time inevitable arguments. They say that an old woman spinning a thread was asked: – How can you prove the existence of Allah? The old woman immediately stopped spinning, and as soon as the spinning wheel stopped, she said: – Just as this spinning wheel cannot spin by itself, how can it be argued that this huge world, this huge universe spins without its spinner and by itself can keep spinning! Imitation in minor matters of religion
When a person has reasonedly realized the basic principles of his religion, in secondary matters of religion, such as namaz (prayer – trans.), Ruzi (fasting – trans.), Hajj (pilgrimage – trans.), Agreement and other issues can follow meets all requirements a mujtahid (Shiite jurist who has reached the highest degree in the interpretation of religious laws – trans.), specializing in the field of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence – trans.) and argumentation [giving divine decrees from relevant arguments]. Imitation means seeking advice from a specialist. This means that if a person is not informed about any of the life issues, he can turn to a specialist with a question. For example, if a person is sick, he should consult a doctor, if he wants to build a house, he should consult an architect or an experienced mason. The same thing happens in matters related to secondary matters of religion and divine decrees. In such cases, a person should turn to a specialist in this matter – he meets all the requirements of mujtehid and establish his opinion as the basis of his practical activity.