Mawlud Fatima Zahra

The Islamic world celebrates Mawlud, the birthday of the radiant Fatima Zahra, one of the 14 immaculate, whose entire life was accompanied by divine miracles and signs. Saint Fatima was destined for a great mission – to become the founder of the chain of Immaculate Imams, all of whom, as is known, belong to her direct descendants from her marriage with Imam Ali. Immaculate Fatima was the author of prayers and remembrances, the transmitter and keeper of reliable hadiths and – most importantly – the secret interpretation of the meanings of the Holy Quran. Fatima Zahra’s birthday is the birthday of the Imamate, this is a holiday of the continuation of the lineage of the Prophet of Islam. On this occasion, he was sent down the Surah “Al-Kawthar”, in which Allah Almighty likened the Prophet’s daughter Fatima Zahra to an abundant paradise source.