Anniversary of the Death of the Prophet of Islam

The 28th day of the month of Safar in Hijri (September 2 this year) is the day of the death of the Prophet of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (s) knew about the end of his life in advance and in this regard, he repeatedly warned Muslims about it. The purpose of these warnings was to prevent various surprises associated with his death.
Approximately 80 days before the death of the Prophet of Islam (s), during the farewell hajj in the valley of Ghadir-Khum, speaking to 100 thousand Muslims, the Prophet (s) announced his imminent death, recalling an important testament: “I leave among you two things, if you adhere to them, you will never go astray, these are the Quran and the Ahl-Bayt.” The Prophet of Islam (s) died on the 28th day of the month of Safar in the year 11 in Hijri at noon.