Holy Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim (lunar) calendar. According to one of the five pillars of Islam, during the month of Ramadan, faithful Muslims must fast from the beginning of the morning prayer (Fajr, which occurs at dawn) until the onset of evening prayer (Maghrib, which occurs at sunset). Fasting is also called “Ramadan” like the name of the month. In Turkic languages, the more common name is Uraza.
According to one of the five pillars of Islam during the month of Ramadan:

In addition to a complete ban on eating during the day, it is also forbidden to have sex during the day.

Internal injections, smoking, etc. also break the fast.

Accidental swallowing of water during ablution and other unintentional actions do not break the fast.

Menstruating women, the mentally ill, and children (before the onset of puberty) are completely exempted from fasting.

The sick, travelers, pregnant and lactating women may also not observe the fast, but they complete it after the disappearance of the cause, temporarily exempting them from the obligation of fasting

Women who did not fast due to menstruation are also obliged to make up for the fast

Old people, as well as sick people who cannot endure fasting and do not hope that their condition will change (profound old age, incurable disease), must feed the poor as an atonement for fasting.

According to one of the five pillars of Islam:

For arbitrarily breaking the fast, a Muslim is obliged to make up the missed fast.

In case of impossibility due to valid reasons permitted by Sharia, one must repent.

The exact time of the expiatory fast should be specified in a specific case according to the relevant literature. If the fast was broken by intentional sexual intercourse, then the Muslim is obliged to perform expiatory actions (keep an expiatory fast).

Doing good deeds

According to authentic hadiths and the Qur’an, doing good deeds is considered especially important.

According to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah increases the significance of each of them 700 times, and shaitan is chained in this month, so it becomes much easier for Muslims to do them than in other months.

Faithful Muslims in Ramadan try to spend more time in prayer and reading the Koran, give alms, and do other good deeds.

And in honor of the end of the month of Ramadan, the holiday of breaking the fast (“Uraza Bayram”) is held.

Evidence in the Koran

“One should fast for a certain number of days. And if one of you is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time. And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed a poor person as an atonement. And if someone voluntarily does a good deed, then it is better for him. But you’d better fast if you only knew!” (Quran: 2:184, translated by E. Kuliyev)

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur’an was sent down, guidance for people, clear proofs of guidance and discernment. Whoever finds this month among you must fast. And if someone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at another time. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire hardship for you. He desires that you complete the specified number of days and glorify Allah for guiding you to a straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful.”